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Recognition of our hard work…

Recognition of our hard work…

It is with a great big grin on my face that I get to tell you that our department has won the Top Property Manager for NSW for the past 2 quarters running, for all of the NSW Professionals Real Estate offices!  The award is based on statistics around our arrears, vacancy, new business and leased properties for the month, and we all know from my previous posts how much I enjoy a good statistic!  Though the award has my name on it, I couldn’t do any of what I do without my team of girls behind me, so these awards belong as much to Mikayla and Lauren as they do to me.  It’s so rewarding to be recognised in our group for the hard work that we put in behind the scenes, to make sure that your properties are rented and that the rent is paid on time as well.

So as we say in our department ‘TADA!!’



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