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I often wonder why it is that other people don’t enjoy statistics as much as I do?  It must be the nerd in me, but give me a good graph, or a pie chart and it makes me very happy!  I think that I love that you can make dry, boring numbers into a visual representation is what it is, I really enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from seeing a graph come to life.

So without further ado, lets take a look at some of the stats that I have been looking at and have got me excited this month.

This first graph is of the difference between our office vacancy rate and the official vacancy rate for REINSW.  Our office has seen some periods through this last 12 months, where we have had some extended vacancies, related to our economic climate, well before Covid was even a thing.  We should also not forget that we had the bushfires in our local area as well, which dominated our newsfeeds and lives over the Christmas period as well, and then it’s been Covid…  It has certainly been a year!

What you can see here is that whilst we have been a little over and under the Central West figures, our average has been just 2.17% vacancy and the average for the Central West was 2%.

The second graph is for our arrears over the same 12 month period.   You can see that I have used a different style of graph to show you this result.  What I am trying to do with this graph is show you that the majority of our tenants are paid on time and the little orange section is the tenants who are in arrears.  This is a really cool way that we can see how well we are doing and it makes it so easy to see that the arrears, which can really get you down sometimes, is in fact such a very small portion of the work that we are doing.  Yay to the majority of our tenants who are on time with their rent all the time!

After chatting with the staff here in the office, we all feel like this past 12 months has been like nothing that any of us have every been through before.  We felt really encouraged by the fact that we were able to show how well our arrears and vacancy rates were looking.

My final graph is the average of our arrears over a 12 month period.  There is quite a bit of room for improvement on this, but I am still proud that we have kept this under 2.5% over this time.

The other thing that I really love about stats is that they make you look at the long term and show you patterns of how things have run in the market.  They force you to view the larger picture, which can be a little hard to do when you have had a year of huge supply and little demand, leading into the bushfires, then flooding and finally Covid 19.  These stats help me to see that even though I have felt like the sky was going to fall in some days, we are in fact doing pretty well and the future is looking pretty rosy!

See why I love them so much!!??


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