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Bark! Bark! Bark!

Bark! Bark! Bark!

At Professionals Lithgow we love our furry little friends, but we do find that we have problems with barking dogs causing an issue for neighbours sometimes.

Recently when I did a routine inspection at a property, I noticed that they had a little house that had a blinking light on the front of it.  When I enquired as to what this was, she told me it was called a ‘Bark House’.  The unit emits a sound when the dog barks, which trains them not to bark anymore.

I got online and purchased one straight away for our office, to see if we could help some of our tenants who were having issues with their pets.  We have passed it on to our first tenants today and they have called the office to tell us how quiet it is at their house!  It appears to have worked a treat and they will look into purchasing one for themselves!  There were reviews online where people had purchased them to use on their neighbours dogs as well, pointing it over the fence and into the yard.  Be aware that it will not work on deaf dogs (i tried!!).

If you would like to use this service from our office, then just give us a call and put your name down, we are happy to try and help in this sort of situation if it arises!


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