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New Tenants – What to expect in the first 2 weeks

New Tenants – What to expect in the first 2 weeks

Exciting times!!  Your rental property has just been rented out to new tenants and things start to happen now in a bit of a flurry of activity, as we arrange move in dates, holding deposits, bonds, do ingoing reports, draw lease documents, cut/arrange keys, so much to do!

After this time, while we are busily working behind the scenes, we wanted to give you an idea of what to expect from our office and your new tenant.

The first thing that will happen after you approving your brand new tenant is that we will arrange a move in date for them.  Once dates are set in stone and money is sorted for the bond and rent, it is time for the tenant to take their keys and begin the process of moving in to the property.

After they have signed all of their documents, you will receive an email from our office which will include your new lease, an ingoing condition report, ingoing photos and a copy of this article.

Now is when you can expect to hear from our office a little bit, especially when you are renting your house with our office for the first time.  If we have rented your property out previously, we know the house a little bit, but when it is our first tenancy, then we are learning the property as well as the tenant doing the same.

The tenant is given an ingoing condition report and photos and they are then given 7 days to fill this in and return it to our office.  You need to remember that we are only at the property for a short time to fill in a condition report and we are completing a visual inspection only, but a tenant then gets 7 days to fill this in.  They also have the ability to go over things with a fine tooth comb, to ensure that they are happy with the report that they have been given.

It is during this time that you can expect to hear from our office a little and I often joke with our landlords that we have them on speed dial at this time of a new tenancy!  Rest assured that usually things do settle down and become quiet after this initial move in time.

Of course, if you have any specific questions about our processes, or something that you need to discuss with us, you can call our property management department on 63525125 or email us at

Here’s to new tenants and a smooth tenancy!


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