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Brrrrrr… Winter has certainly arrived

Brrrrrr… Winter has certainly arrived

Winter has arrived in Lithgow with a vengeance and we have seen loads of evidence of this in the surrounding landscape, as well as in the work that we do.  Sunday 22nd July saw a record low temperature overnight of -11.9 degrees.  What this translates to for anyone in a property management role, is burst water pipes!  The low temperatures freeze the water in the pipes, either in the ground or on the house and this expands.  When the sun melts the water – there is generally a geyser in your front yard!  On that Sunday alone, our office had in excess of 20 burst water pipes to deal with.  The local plumbers were run off their feet and a lot of people had to wait at least a day for their water to be restored.

There are measures that you can take to ensure that this does not happen to your home or investment property and the main thing that we would suggest is to ensure that your external pipes that can be reached are lagged.  This will not help the pipes that are bursting in the ground, but it does substantially help at the properties where pipes have a history of freezing.

If you are not sure if your property is affected or you would like some advice from our office or our plumbers with regard to your property, give the office a call on 63525125 and chat to Tina, Jess or Mikayla about your concerns or questions.

Photo credit CE Photography & Ravynne Phelan both sourced from Facebook


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