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Finalist – Regional Property Manager of the Year 2017 (Real Estate Business Awards)

Finalist – Regional Property Manager of the Year 2017 (Real Estate Business Awards)

I am very excited to announce that for the second time, I have been named as a finalist for the Real Estate Business Awards as Regional Property Manager of the Year!
The thing about this sort of an accolade is that it is never achievable on your own, property management is not a lone wolf type of business and without my amazing team of girls, this sort of nomination would never be possible.  I am so blessed in my work career to have these wonderful girls to share my journey with.  I am the sort of person that is restless… I like to try new things and to try crazy stuff that is a little bit out of left field, and Mikayla, Jess and Kelly are happy to give anything a go!  It takes trust for them to agree to put themselves out there with me and to be out of their comfort zone.  To their credit, they never tell me no, even thought I am sure that there are days that they would like to!
Property management is all about team work and I think that our office has this down pat.  We all have each others backs, we help each other when it is needed and we communicate with each other well.  We are also big on ensuring that we remain positive and that we look out for each other when we have had a bad day.  Property management can be a hard gig and it’s important for us to ensure that our department is a positive place to be.  We deal with other peoples problems every single day, which is the real definition of what property management is, so I like to make sure that we have an office where we get to share our experiences and we chat about how we will tackle issues, rather than making decisions on our own.
Some training that both Jess and I attended last year in the Northern Territory schooled us in the art of making ‘To Do” into ‘Tada!’.  Sounds crazy right?  (I did warn you that I was a little left of centre)  We have found that this little shift in our attitude at work has made a real difference and ensuring that we keep a positive outlook on our day and our work makes all the difference!
Here is my own little indulgence to my girls –
Mikayla – Whilst you have gone through the hardest year of your very young life to date, you have stood by my side and been an example in gratitude and attitude to me.  You are an amazing young woman and I am in awe of your ability to smile through the toughest of days.  Anyone that is greeted by you on our front desk or our phone, knows that they have reached a person who can deal with their problems for them, get them the answer they are looking for and who genuinely cares about the work that she does.  You are an inspiration.
Jess – For someone who is so new to this industry, you amaze me with your ability to deal with issues calmly and with confidence.  I have not seen you teary or overwhelmed by the size and nature of this job and that is a big thing to say.  I love how gentle you are with clients and you have a real ability to quiet a situation that has the potential to spin out of control.
Kelly – My very own little Mini-Me!  I know that I can rely on you to do anything that comes your way and despite your small stature, you make up for it in big personality.  You know how to stand up for what is right and you relish when you have done an amazing job – which is often!  To have you come back to this crazy place when you have a little one at home means the world to me and I love how I can rely on you for anything I need.
You girls rock!!


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