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Meet the Team!!

Meet the Team!!

There have been lots of changes over the past year or so in our office, what with people leaving to have babies (how excititng!!), and changes due to Covid, I thought that it was high time to give our landlords an update on the friendly faces behind your current property management team!  As always, I am here as the person overseeing all the functions of our department and I do not think that any of you need an extra introduction to me – I am the stable owner of the business that will be here for you if there are any issues, or you have any concerns at all – so no photo of me today!!

Casey has been with our office for just a few weeks short of 12 months!  She came to our office with a back ground in finance and retail customer service.  Casey is taking on the role of property manager in the office and will the person that you speak to when your tenants are leaving, or you are getting new tenants.  She will be conducting outgoing and ingoing inspections, as well as dealing with routines  (along with me!).  Casey is loads of fun and her personality is perfect for this challenging role, as she connects well with people and has a high standard for her interactions and the work that she is doing for our landlords!  Casey loves to tell everyone that she has signed a 10 year contract with us, and we hope that this comes true!!

Tash has just started with our office and will be our new receptionist/administration person.  She has come to our office from a very strong history of administration and human resources.  Tash has most recently been a mortgage consultant and as such is very aware of all aspects of real estate transactions.  She will be the welcoming voice that you hear on the phone when you call, so make sure to introduce yourself to her!  We hope that Tash will be with our office for a long time to come!

Victoria is our trainee at the office and has been with our office since just after lockdown last year.  As the youngest member of our team you might think that she is not the person that you want to deal with when you call, but she has a real passion for real estate and is picking up the property management department at a rate of knots!  Victoria has known that she wanted to work in real estate for a number of years and has made sure that she has put things in place for herself so that this goal has come true.  She has a heart for social housing and is going to make a fabulous property manager for our team.  She is well on the way to gaining her class 2 license as well.  We love having Victoria on our team as she is a real go-getter!

I thought that it was important today that as we have changes happening, that you were aware of the faces behind the voices!  If you do have any concerns about any issues within the department, please feel free to either call me on 63525125 or email me directly at


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