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Tenant Insurance – Why do you need it?

Tenant Insurance – Why do you need it?

As a tenant have you ever thought about the fact that you might need to have contents insurance as a renter?  Were you aware that the landlord insurance does not cover any of your goods in an insurance situation?  I always recommend to our tenants that they cover their belongings, by taking out contents insurance on their own items.

Very recently, we have seen the perfect example of why this is so important.  Lithgow has experienced a large flood and lots of properties were damaged, this included water going into the properties and damaging tenants contents.  Those tenants who had their own contents insurance, have been able to deal with their insurance company for replacement/reimbursement for their damaged items.  Those who had no contents insurance, have no recourse at all and have been left out of pocket.

I would recommend that you do some research to find a tenant insurance policy that suits your needs best.   You might just need a basic policy, or you could need to insure collectible items, or other specialty items that you own, which is why you need to look at what the policies offer before making a decision.

We all hope that we will never need to use our insurance, but if you do not have it in place, you could end up sorry in the end!


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