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Change to quote procedure by Trades…

Change to quote procedure by Trades…

I wanted to bring to your attention today that some of our trades have made a decision to start to charge for quotes.  This has come about from the large amount of quotes that we have to request for landlords that are not proceeded with, meaning that these trades are working for free.

If they choose to charge for a quote, the cost will be 1 hour of work.  The trades need to arrange access to the property, attend the property, measure and check required work, get pricing for any required items from suppliers and then write up a quote that they send to our office.  We have noted recently that the trades have been overwhelmed with work since the end of lockdown and they are also finding sourcing materials to be a challenge as well, leading to extended wait times for both our office and your tenant/s.

After some discussion with the trade suppliers, they have agreed that if you proceed with the work quoted, that they will take off the cost of the quote from the final job.  This means that the quote is not charged for, once you proceed with the work.

I hope that you are all understanding about the reasons for the necessity of this change, if however you have questions regarding this, please just let me know.


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