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Last year saw some major changes to the Lithgow City Council water system.  The major part of this change has seen smart meters installed to properties, meaning that there is no longer a need for meters to be read in person, but rather they are connected via wifi directly to council computers.

This update sees council able to inform our office or yourself directly via email, if they are alerted to the possibility of a water leak on the property.  The great thing about this, is that leaks can be identified and minimised early on in most cases.

Something that is of great benefit to our office is that we no longer have to search through trees or gardens for the location of a meter, as we are able to log in to the council MiWater site, if you have provided our office with access, or we can call Council directly for a reading.  With the weather that Lithgow has for a lot of the year, we are pretty excited about this development, as there is nothing worse than having to dig around in the rain, or even snow, to find a rogue water meter that has been accidentally buried!

If you have not provided access to our office to the MiWater system and you would like to do so, please let us know by emailing and we will send you the required paperwork to sign.  Alternatively, if you would like to read more on this system or sign up yourself, you can click on the link below:



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