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Covid 19 Update February 21

Covid 19 Update February 21


As we are all aware, Covid 19 has made some massive changes to our everyday lives.  I wanted to give you all an idea of how things have changed both within our office, as well as in the world of NSW tenancies.

Our Office

The first difference that you will notice if you come into our office is that we are social distancing, like everyone else in the world.  We tried a few different methods, but at the end of the day, it was difficult when there were people who just refused to social distance.  We have put a table at the front of the office, which keeps people 1.5 metres from the girls in reception.  We have also removed the office chairs, which were there for people to sign up leases or sit and fill in application forms.  We now ask people to do these things right next door at the library, or to do them online.

Whilst we have been using online methods for a little while now, it has  become much more of a push from us, for people to sign up or apply using online methods.  This has seen a need for us to rely on our service providers for this type of thing much more.  We are using our website and subsidiary sites for applications using 1form.  We are sending leases out to be signed using docusign.  We are doing all our bonds online.  The internet is so essential to this Covid world for our office.

Showing of properties is also not happening how it has done in the past either.  Open homes for our rental department are a thing of the past.  People now need to apply before they are given the opportunity to see a home, so that we are minimising contact with outside people both for our staff and your property.  We have found that this shift in how we do things has been a real benefit for our office, as we are qualifying people before they attend the property, but there has been some resistance to this in the market.  This means that we are educating people about the changes to the way things are done, as we go along, which can be a challenge some days.

Routine inspections are still being carried out, with some adjustments to how we are doing this as well.  Prior to any routine inspection going ahead, we are calling to check if a tenant will be home and if they will be there, we are asking them some Covid 19 questions with regard to their health. This is for the safety of our staff, to ensure that we are not attending a property where there is a risk.  If tenants or anyone in their family is sick, we are rescheduling the inspection to when they are well again.  Our staff are also wearing masks for any inspections that are carried out.

NSW Tenancy Law

The differences that have been implemented in the NSW tenancy law, surround the giving of notice on the property, this is a moratorium on evictions.  Most notices now have been changed from 14 or 30 days, to being 90 days.  This covers end of lease, breach of lease and no grounds notices.  It does not cover rent arrears (not covid affected) or sale of property (notice given on exchange of contracts).  I have put a link to the full site below for you to take a read of if you need further information other than this short run down.

This moratorium was meant to cease in October 2020, but has been extended to March 21 at this stage and may continue further, depending on the Government decisions.

As always, if you need further information on this subject, or want to chat with me about the scenario, please just give me a call at the office on 63525125 or email me at



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