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Standard Leases and Landlord Information Statements

Standard Leases and Landlord Information Statements

With the introduction of the new tenancy laws that came into effect in March 2020, I wrote a series of posts around the changes that landlords would see.  It has become apparent to me that one of the items that was not addressed needed to be, so here we are =)

There are new requirements for the front page of the lease.  You will now need to provide an alternative contact detail for yourself as the landlord to the front page of the residential tenancy agreement.  This requirement has been prescribed by NSW law and you will need to comply with this.

You will need to provide our office with an email address that you would like to use for property matters.  This does not mean that it needs to be your personal email address.  You could, for example, set up an email address for yourself that you use just for each of your rental properties and name them as such, eg:   You might also want to set up an email forward for this email address, where you have it automatically send any contact that is received, to your own personal email or to our office email address, so that things can be dealt with promptly.   If you do not have an email address, you can put your mobile or home number in as a contact detail.

The second item that is relevant, is that there is a new landlord information statement that you will need to sign before any lease can be drawn for your property.  I have included a copy of this below


If we do not receive a copy of this signed statement back from you, we are not able to lease your property for you.  You need to sign and acknowledge that you have read and understood the statement before returning it to our office.  As best practice, we will be emailing this form to you using docusign, meaning that you will be able to sign on your phone, ipad or computer and do not need to physically print the document to sign it and return it to us.

If you have questions about these documents or processes, please just make sure to give the office a call on 63525125 and speak to any of the girls in the property management department for clarification


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