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Dodge a Dodgy Tradie!!

Dodge a Dodgy Tradie!!

Often we have landlords ask us why they should be using the trades people that are recommended by our office.  The simple answer to this is that we have ensured that the trades people that our office is using and recommending, have been thoroughly checked,  that they are compliant for the various licenses that are required for them to carry out work, they are holding compliant insurances and are registered for gst.  It is so important that the person who is completing work on your most expensive asset is above board and that you can rest assured that they are a professional.

When work is being carried out on your investment, you need to ensure that the tradie is holding correct professional indemnity cover and insurances, so that if something unforeseen does happen, you can rest easy, knowing that the trades person is completely covered for anything that comes out of left field.

Our office also has good working relationships with the trades people that we recommend and this means that we know that they are quick with attending to the work that we are requesting, as well as that the pricing they are charging are also within the scope of our expectations for their hourly rate.

With this in mind, it is important for landlords to consider that when you are asking for more than one quote on a job,  our tradies are busy professional people and their time is valuable.  There will often be a cost to a landlord for a trades person to quote on a job and landlords need to budget for this and be aware that most often, a quote is not a free service.  This has come about from a lot of people in the past using multiple trades to quote on a job, trying to drag out the timing and cost of a repair, with busy trades trying to fit in appointments, where the owner had no intention of going ahead with any of the work requested, or deciding to use an out of area company to complete the work.  Our trades companies were understandably irate that this work was being done for free by them and they were not being rewarded for this by getting the job to complete. By paying a quote fee, you can be assured that the professional tradesperson is paid for their time and they are invested in getting quotes back to our office in a timely manner, so that the work can be organised and they can get paid for it.  Honestly, it isn’t often that any of us want to work for free for people!

If you have any questions with regard to how our office arranges work on your behalf, or you are wanting to arrange your own quote for repairs, rather than using our qualified trades people, then please ensure that you speak to us about this the next time that you call our office.



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