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Take your time….

A problem that we often find when we are looking for a new tenant, is when a Landlord is in a hurry to re-rent the property.  If this process is rushed on our end, there can be things that are overlooked, or perhaps missed all together, that can affect the quality of your tenancy/investment going forward.

It is our job to ensure that we are renting your property as quickly as we possibly can, but we need to ensure that many other factors are being considered above the idea of ‘any tenant will do.’  In fact the thinking that ‘any tenant will do’ is one of the most dangerous things that a property manager can do in their role.

With so many factors to consider, from affordability, right through to current history, there are many things that need to be taken into consideration, that often cannot be written down on paper.  How do the applicants speak to our staff?  Are they patient and polite, or are they quick to anger and aggressive?   How do they deal with other people that arrive at the property to view the open home?  How do their children behave at the viewing?  Are they happy to provide us with the correct information that will allow us to process their application?  Are they demanding of us before they even go through the front door?

Recently we had a lovely home for rent, where we were getting a fair bit of enquiry, which from the start was looking very positive.  Unfortunately, after looking at the applications more closely, we were able to determine that the applications that we were receiving, were in fact not suitable for the premises in question.  I’m sure that if you put yourself in the shoes of this landlord, you could understand his frustration, when we were calling and informing him of how many people were showing up to his property, and yet we were not able to approve anyone for the property.

It is such an important part of what we do and an example of how we need our landlords to trust our office, knowing that we have their best interest in mind.    This property has now had a suitable applicant approved and we look forward to being able to manage this tenancy for our landlord, knowing that he trusts us to do the best job that we can for him.

If you are looking for an agent who wants to put your needs first and who considers tenant suitability an integral part of our job, then call the team at Professionals Lithgow rental department.


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