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I LOVE Statistics

I LOVE Statistics

It’s no secret to anyone that has ever met me, that I am a big fan of statistics.  Yes, yes, I know that this could be one of the most boring sentences that you could ever actually hear someone say… but it’s the sad truth!
Honestly, rather than being dry and boring, statistics allow you to know exactly what is happening in your department and lets you see if you are really on target for all the goals that you want to meet.
Now that the financial year has ended it is time to look back at what our rental department has achieved in the past 12 months and see if we are doing what we map out as our goal for the year.

The most exciting statistic that I can show you, is to do with the arrears for our office.  We target arrears on a daily basis and our goal is to be as close to zero for this as we possibly can be.
For total arrears, over the past 12 months, our office has averaged just 1.45%.  This statistic is made up of 2 separate goals, being 3 – 13 days (1.38%)  and 14 days+ (0.07%).
Seen in a graph form, here is what that looks

As an agent, it makes me so happy to see that we have 98.55% of our tenants paid on time with their rent over a 12 month period.  It goes to show that our process around arrears is working, but so is our process around tenant selection.
If you are looking for an agent, it is so important to ensure that you ask the question, ‘What are your arrears this month?’ AND ‘What are your arrears for the past 12 months?’
As we say in our office TADA to a job well done!!


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