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The importance of good photography

The importance of good photography

Often when a landlord is looking for an agent to manage their property, I see a focus on the fees that are charged.  Whilst there is nothing wrong with ensuring that you are getting the best possible value for your dollar, you do need to make sure you are getting the same service for your money.
A cut price fee will often see you receiving a cut price service.
A perfect example of this comes when we take listing photographs for the property.  Professionals Lithgow ensures that we are using the most up to date technology, including the quality of our photography and our office cameras.  The aim of advertising, is to attract the best tenant for your property.  By ensuring that the photography being used is of the highest standard, you are sure to attract a higher quality tenant.
Some things that we try to keep in mind is how will your property be presented in the best light and what areas will a tenant want to see?  The other thing to remember is that most people are viewing your property using a mobile device.  The reason that this is so important for us to keep in mind, is that we want to ensure that photos are not uploaded in an incorrect format, which does not show well online, for example, when using iphone photos for websites, there are large black bars around the photos.
I have put some examples of our photography below, along with some photos taken by other agents in the same property.  You will be able to see for yourself the difference in finding an agent that prides themselves on ensuring properties are presented in the best possible light.

We can fit in a whole room, not just a portion of it

Angles are important.

Tenants want to see the whole bathroom

Lighting makes a big difference

You need to see more in an empty room than just the corner

Getting the whole room in shows size


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